Irae's Damage Calculator

Number of hits:

Enter character as one word, ie no spaces. Generally for chars with titles, title should be omitted(ie Doctor Doom should be entered as 'Doom'). If unsure what to input, please refer to my character notes page for the list.
Enter the list of attacks in the order they hit, seperated by commas. Eg. l, m, h, s, j.m, j.h, j.s, ...
Note - Attacks with an ' in the name should be entered without it(eg Dragon's Touch should be entered as 'Dragons Touch').
Format for tags = 'Tag (character)', Eg 'Tag Doom'. If the raw tag actually hits, input 'Raw Tag' as the next entry.
Format for Dhcs = 'Dhc (character)', then input the actual hyper as the next entry. Eg. 'Dhc Vergil, Spiral Swords'. If the attack does not actually hit(ie Frank whiffing a Dhc to take snapshot instead), then omit the hyper entry.
Format for assists = 'Assist (character) (attack)', eg 'Assist Doom Plasma Beam'.
Format for Tacs = 'Tac (direction) (character)', eg 'Tac up Doom'.
Format for Thcs = 'Thc (character1): (hyper1) | (character2): (hyper2) | (character3): (hyper3)'. 3rd character is optional. Eg 'Thc Doom: Photon Array | Dante: Million Dollars', or 'Thc Frank: Blue Light Special | Dante: Million Dollars | Nova: Gravimetric Blaster'. The hypers are processed in the order entered...hence results may be off if used early in a combo due to simultaneous hits. Also, functionality resets any installs you may have on the point char.
Format for X factor = 'Xf(n level), eg 'Xf1'. If entering a combo that involves popping XF after releasing some projectile but before it actually hits, you'll need to input the Xf entry before the projectile entry, as everything is processed in order. Eg 'Xf1, Soul Fist'.
Normal throws should be entered as 'Front Throw', 'Back Throw', 'Front Air Throw', or 'Back Air Throw'
Snap Backs should be entered as 'Snap'.

Character specific notes
My notes on each char. Many chars have alt. entries for some moves, for different number of hits on multi-hitting stuff, different versions of moves etc; refer to this page for details. Also included all the odd scaling behavior I found, if you're curious.

Note on Hypers - Function does not account for mashing. However, for most mashable Hypers it's an extra 20~30k.